Schedule for Monthly Recurring Activities
Men's Golf -
Wednesday Morning at Cranes Roost Golf Course
Contact Larry Link - 314-6900
Women's Golf -
Every Wednesday Morning at Cranes Roost Golf Course
Contact Judy MacBride - 314-6994
Village Meeting -
Every 4th Friday of the Month at Ashley Hall, 6:30pm
Nottoway Monthly Social -
to be a Host: plan an event with the help of our neighbors
Look for events and dates in Newsletter
Contact Joan Luther (314-2829)
Nottoway Village Newsletter -
Write an article for newsletter
Articels due by the 20th for the next month
Contact Karen Larsen (728-8435)
Juliets Nottoway Gals Lunch Bunch -
Monthly on Thursday
(usually fourth)
Contact Joan Luther (314-2829)
Romeos Nottoway Guys Lunch Bunch -
Monthly on fourth Monday
Contact Guy Sulfaro (326-3025)
Bridge -
Second Monday of Each Month
Beginners to Advanced
Contact Ann
Lance (638-9086)
Ladies Poker -
First and Third Thursday evening of Each Month
to Advanced
Contact Joan Moody (326-5582)
Mens Poker -
Various nights
Beginners to Advanced
Larry Link (314-6900)
Wine Tasting-
Second Tuesday of Each Month
Neighbors meet in homes to share
a bottle of wine and hors d'oeuvres
Contact Pam Dryer (365-2624)
Pickleball -
Contact Ed & Susan Ocker (315-0916)
Jongg -
Contact Nancy Piekunka-728-1104
Leesburg Food Bank
The Juleits has voted to help with the collection
their luncheons.
We would love to have all of Nottoway to help with
donations of food (non perishables )
Frank and I will deliver the food.
If we are not home we have a container on the front porch
where you can drop off your donations.
Thank You
Joan & Frank Luther
24530 Parlange Ct