The Neighborhood Garage contains items your neighbors
are willing to let you use on a temporary/short term basis. Contact the owner directly to make arrangements. If you borrow
an item, please be a good neighbor by returning it as agreed and in the same condition.
Air Compressor (for tires, etc.) - Bob Stapp-
Automotive Hand Tools
- Roger Howell - 728-5745
Baby Items:
Stroller - Judie McLernan - 365-6163
- Judie McLernan - 365-6163
Car Seats (2), Booster Seat, Pack & Play, Toddler Table & 2 Chairs - Bruce MacBride
- 314- 6994
Kids' Chairs - Mary Hampl - 250-3817
Table & Chairs:
Card Table & 4 Chairs
- Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Drill (electric) - Chris Mendenhall
- 323-3361
Drill (Cordless) - Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Garden Tools(shovels, spade, rake, tree trimmer) - Roger Howell
- 728-5745
Hand Truck - (heavy duty) - Sam Haines - 326-5362
- John Chandler - 365-1937
Step - Chris Mendenhall - 323-3361
8' Step - Sam Haines - 326-5362
Level (4' Aluminum) - Bob Stapp -
Medical Equipment - Morrison
United Methodist Church loans various medical equipment at no charge.
Portable Potty - Links - 314-6900
Walker - Roger Howard - 728-5745
Walking Cane (Metal-Adjustable) - Bob Barb Stapp - 315-8834
Wheel Chair (folding) - Mary Hampl - 250-3817
Paper Cutter (office type up to 15") - Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Photo equipment: Change slides into pictures - Larry Link 314-6900
Power Tools:
Skill saw, table saw, sander, planer (with Roger's help) - Roger Howell - 728-5745
Table saw, joiner, planer,
mortizing equipment, wet/dry shop vac - Werner Hampl - 250-6650
- Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Socket Set (up to 7/8") - Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Table (6' folding) - Bob Stapp - 315-8834
Ladders, shop vac - Ira Nehring-787-2314
Woodworking Hand Tools - (hammer, saws, planes, drill & bits)
- Roger Howell - 728-5745
Wheel Barrow - John Chandler - 365-1937